Frequently Asked Questions

I see that Désinfecte Tout™ is used in schools and hospitals, but can I use Désinfecte Tout™ at home? 

Yes. Désinfecte Tout™ is an excellent disinfectant to use in homes. Some of the best places to use Désinfecte Tout™ at home are in musty basements, in bathrooms where mildew has accumulated (or on surfaces to protect against mold and mildew), and in the kitchen to keep food-contact surfaces clean. Désinfecte Tout™ has also been tested on carpets and can be used around the house to sanitize carpets.

 What are the advantages of using sprayers and foggers to disperse Désinfecte Tout™ ?

The quickest way to disinfect a hospital room, an entire basement, or a school gym is by using a fogger or electrostatic sprayer that can create a fine mist to treat objects, walls, floors, and ceilings in a matter of just a few minutes. Electrostatic sprayers and foggers can dramatically cut the time to disinfect large areas. Désinfecte Tout™ is one of the few disinfectants that can be dispersed in this manner because Désinfecte Tout™

is non-corrosive to treated surfaces and objects.

 With so many disinfectants and mold removers on the market, why should I choose Désinfecte Tout™ ?

The easiest way to answer this question is simply, not all disinfectants are created equal. When evaluating and comparing disinfectant products, take a close look at their core ingredients. Désinfecte Tout™ uses a unique chemical compound called chlorine dioxide. While other competitors and manufacturers have attempted to copy and produce a form of stabilized chlorine dioxide similar to Désinfecte Tout™, our revolutionary formula is simply unequaled. Chlorine dioxide has been used during Anthrax attacks, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, to purify drinking water, and most recently to kill MRSA in schools and hospitals. Also consider carefully what kind of chemicals you want around your children, employees, patients, students, and close family members. Most disinfectants and mold removers on the market are extremely toxic, but Désinfecte Tout™ gives you peace of mind that you are using an effective product that does not come with alarming safety warnings and precautions.

What is the difference between a cleaner and a disinfectant?

Cleaners are not registered with the EPA and cannot make public health claims on their label such as killing germs or having any anti-microbial action. 

What is a Hospital Disinfectant?

As part of the EPA registration process, disinfectant products are put through rigorous testing to prove their efficacy and measure toxicity. The EPA registers three types of disinfectants: Limited, General, and Hospital. All three disinfectants destroy or irreversibly inactivate certain microorganisms on hard, inanimate surfaces and objects.
You can determine a “limited,” “general,” or “hospital” disinfectant by the microorganisms listed on the label.

Limited must be supported by efficacy testing against either Salmonella cholerasuis or Staphylococcus aureus. Limited disinfectants are found mostly in household use. 

General must be supported by efficacy testing against both Salmonella cholerasuis and Staphylococcus aureus. General disinfectants are used in commercial areas.

Hospital must be supported by AOAC Use Dilution or AOAC Germicidal Spray efficacy testing against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella cholerasuis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa hides behind biofilm and is difficult to eliminate. Killing this bacterium is required for “Hospital Disinfectant”.

Also, as part of this evaluation process, products are assigned to a toxicity category:  The categories range from category 1 (highly toxic) to category 4 (no exposure warnings required on the label).

 What is a Sanitizer?

A substance, or mixture of substances, intended to reduce the number of microorganisms on inanimate surfaces or in water or air.

 What is the difference between a ‘food-contact sanitizer’ and a ‘non-food-contact sanitizer?

A food-contact sanitizer, at a minimum, reduces the level of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli by 99.999% on a food contact surface within one minute. A potable water rinse is not allowed after sanitation of a food-contact surface.

A non-food-contact sanitizer, at a minimum, reduces the level of Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae or Enterobacter aerogenes by 99.9% on non-food contact surfaces within 5 minutes.

How powerful is Désinfecte Tout™ ?

Désinfecte Tout™ is a powerful disinfectant able to kill some of the toughest and most resistant forms of bacteria and mold. The chemical composition of Désinfecte Tout™ is such that it has a minimal impact on the environment and contains no ozone harming volatile compounds (VOC).

What does “no rinse required on food contact surface” mean?

“No rinse required on food contact surfaces” is a safety rating given by NSF International (previously the National Sanitation Foundation).  The NSF testing guidelines are a continuation of the USDA product approval and listing program, including the FDA 21. Désinfecte Tout™ is rated “no rise required on food contact surfaces” category D2, meaning Désinfecte Tout™ is approved for use in commercial or residential kitchens to control bacteria, viruses, and mold without the need to wash/rinse the area with water after Désinfecte Tout™ is applied.


Can I clean and disinfect at the same time?

In some cases, you can clean and disinfect at the same time, but this depends on how dirty the surfaces you are cleaning/disinfecting are—the dirtier the surface the less effective the disinfectant. Disinfectants need to contact the area to disinfect and cannot do this effectively with a barrier of dirt or grime in the way. Once the dirt has been wiped away the disinfectant can get to work. Under lightly soiled conditions, you can clean and disinfect in the same step with just Désinfecte Tout™.